<body> DCM Rocks

Hi this is DCM T03 group. WE Are just newly formed today on 24/10/07. WAAAA hahaha. There are 4 of us. Kelvin, Shuming, wilson, Jun hong. Studying at TP=Temasek polytechnic, BUS=Business school. Year 2 peeps LOM logistics operations management. CAuse of this e-learning =.= toot we need to create this blog for your own learning. Ha. Feel freee to browse our works and disccussion.

Welcome then!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 10:42 PM


Tan Jun Hong (M)
Tan Shu Ming (F)
Kevin Xu (M)
Temasek Polytechnic
Logistics Operations Management


Get your music and put it here from RADIO.BLOG.CLUB


Video1/Packaging Machinery & Equipment
Video2/Packaging machines
Video3/Packaging Solutions
Video4/Veneer Table Packaging
Video5/DHL Holiday Packaging Tips

&Our Say-

&Wish List-

I wish
I wish
I wish
I wish
I wish


October 2007
January 2008


Designer: xmjmx
Image edited in: Photoshop 7.0
Original Image: Pixelgirl
Image Hosters: Imageshack
Web Hoster: Blogger

